


Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
Rockers Rockers Recruit 7,428,396 0 online Offline
x Atrocitus x Atrocitus Recruit 4,665,667 0 online Offline
HulaLove HulaLove Recruit 1,945,701 0 online Offline
[#VLLWWVS5Z] [#VLLWWVS5Z] General 1,517,204 0 online Offline
jvapes jvapes Recruit 1,454,060 0 online Offline
j6o1216nnll j6o1216nnll General 979,087 0 online Offline
Leggo Prego Leggo Prego General 858,088 2 online Offline
[#LY307NTLD] [#LY307NTLD] Recruit 670,336 4 online Offline
[#ZC6LG3ZHK] [#ZC6LG3ZHK] General 384,847 0 online Offline
The Cruge1 The Cruge1 Recruit 200,479 0 online Offline
[#378DZCBJ1] [#378DZCBJ1] Admin 95,267 0 online Offline
[#NWTG0AZCD] [#NWTG0AZCD] General 86,972 1 online Offline
[#GUKZ23151] [#GUKZ23151] Recruit 59,058 0 online Offline
[#H7CPPJAZ6] [#H7CPPJAZ6] General 53,542 2 online Offline
Hyadain Hyadain Recruit 32,200 0 online Offline