
The Shadow Entity

The Shadow Entity

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
Lord_Hound99 Lord_Hound99 Recruit 13,191 0 online Offline
APHR0DlT3 APHR0DlT3 Recruit 940,359 0 online Offline
Kindred_Mask Kindred_Mask Recruit 9,764,363 0 online Offline
Hearthom Hearthom Recruit 257,415 1 online Offline
Clumsy Mate Clumsy Mate Recruit 367,466 0 online Offline
Guillotine88 Guillotine88 Recruit 14,175,969 12 online Offline
SandMan_qp SandMan_qp Recruit 142,556 0 online Offline
Madmanthe5th Madmanthe5th Recruit 50,975 0 online Offline
STRASKIII STRASKIII Recruit 3,741 0 online Offline
1jjunior 1jjunior Recruit 100 0 online Offline
UtherMenethl UtherMenethl Recruit 854,120 1 online Offline
DominantKe98 DominantKe98 Recruit 114,086 0 online Offline
MaudZer MaudZer Recruit 6,644,067 0 online Offline
CylozAsylum CylozAsylum Recruit 0 0 online Offline
RNG 2735 RNG 2735 Recruit 224,097 2 online Offline