
The Shadow Entity

The Shadow Entity

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
Pink Piggie Pink Piggie Recruit 190,179 0 online Offline
JMJonsey86 JMJonsey86 Recruit 314,787 0 online Offline
Zenon978 Zenon978 Recruit 1,395,014 0 online Offline
0verk1ll101 0verk1ll101 Recruit 548,344 0 online Offline
123save321 123save321 Recruit 305,925 0 online Offline
NDBeast11 NDBeast11 Recruit 18,516 0 online Offline
BabyLily420 BabyLily420 Recruit 4,053,480 2 online Offline
patryk pl patryk pl Recruit 25,730,519 0 online Offline
Lil2-0-4Thug Lil2-0-4Thug Recruit 4,513,625 0 online Offline
dreamer4you dreamer4you Recruit 15,461,253 5 online Offline
Drager202 Drager202 Recruit 1,153,795 0 online Offline
DawgSaysWtf DawgSaysWtf Recruit 385,711 0 online Offline
Eagleman838 Eagleman838 Recruit 0 0 online Offline
JiraiaYT JiraiaYT Recruit 293,739 0 online Offline
Athgore573 Athgore573 Recruit 530,415 0 online Offline