
Chain of glory

Chain of glory

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
gxrl3817 gxrl3817 Owner 45,455 0 online Offline
I Elfhood I I Elfhood I Corporal 57,540 0 online Offline
[#WPV7DHLLY] [#WPV7DHLLY] Corporal 206,119 0 online Offline
[#5ERYUVLVD] [#5ERYUVLVD] Corporal 3,038 0 online Offline
[#ROTZ0BXYN] [#ROTZ0BXYN] Corporal 9,596 0 online Offline
[#XITFZ3AGB] [#XITFZ3AGB] Corporal 0 0 online Offline
[#HW6ZCVD4V] [#HW6ZCVD4V] Corporal 123 0 online Offline
[#54KOLY3IP] [#54KOLY3IP] Corporal 0 0 online Offline
skilled_94 skilled_94 Corporal 10,639 0 online Offline
[#9T6HXPXW9] [#9T6HXPXW9] Corporal 813,945 6 online Offline
[#S2538VT1F] [#S2538VT1F] Corporal 8,403 0 online Offline