
Legion of Truth

Legion of Truth

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
Coolman11450 Coolman11450 Owner 2,739,116 0 online Offline
[#C2N974BQP] [#C2N974BQP] Sergeant 850,443 0 online Offline
BrowserBrony BrowserBrony Recruit 15,971,644 0 online Offline
3e4kk5pcn65 3e4kk5pcn65 Recruit 97,691 0 online Offline
badasssplayr badasssplayr Recruit 2,603,164 0 online Offline
[#WR149IYG2] [#WR149IYG2] Recruit 348,598 0 online Offline
[#FTF6X4HHR] [#FTF6X4HHR] Recruit 13,855,744 0 online Offline
GavinFree GavinFree Recruit 9,307,667 0 online Offline
[#RM041CGEE] [#RM041CGEE] Recruit 314,291 0 online Offline
[#HN77YKKO9] [#HN77YKKO9] Recruit 20,780 0 online Offline
ped0bear0 ped0bear0 Recruit 1,692,274 0 online Offline