
league of shadowz

league of shadowz

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
LOS Yoshi LOS Yoshi Owner 81,228,941 1 online Offline
Yobetch Yobetch Deputy Owner 28,891 0 online Offline
TheGereg TheGereg Overseer 1,896,018 0 online Offline
Shenanagin Shenanagin General 1,478,957 1 online Offline
Halal It Halal It General 6,493,474 1 online Offline
PVM Dryd PVM Dryd Recruit 831,014 71 online Offline
[#Q25SWFJ62] [#Q25SWFJ62] Recruit 24,482 0 online Offline
Tarrakain43 Tarrakain43 Recruit 4,690,327 0 online Offline
[#KF7ESDENP] [#KF7ESDENP] Recruit 2,613,319 0 online Offline
[#4AK54OLIW] [#4AK54OLIW] Recruit 407 0 online Offline
[#ET4FBOUPN] [#ET4FBOUPN] Recruit 2,889,379 0 online Offline
[#LZOSMV1LC] [#LZOSMV1LC] Recruit 46,290 0 online Offline
PrincessKera PrincessKera Recruit 7,892 0 online Offline
[#WQJ3JXEVF] [#WQJ3JXEVF] Recruit 0 0 online Offline
Fencepown891 Fencepown891 Recruit 39,764,591 1 online Offline