Rank |
Clan |
Clanmates |
Total XP
69961 |
RemnantsOF Sephiroth
7 |
11,728,094 |
69962 |
To Good For You
7 |
249,337,928 |
69963 |
the Blue Capers
7 |
11,337,715 |
69964 |
Warriors of Br
7 |
631,883 |
69965 |
SausageFest Inc
7 |
158,232,705 |
69966 |
7 |
69,812,263 |
69967 |
Skilla for Fight
7 |
15,673,558 |
69968 |
7 |
95,301,377 |
69969 |
alfas raiders
7 |
6,176,533 |
69970 |
Shadow Comand
7 |
2,131,288 |
69971 |
dutch will own
7 |
21,008,317 |
69972 |
range gods
7 |
20,775,846 |
69973 |
Defence Noobs
7 |
48,139,605 |
69974 |
The devine guardians
7 |
7,572,759 |
69975 |
money counters
7 |
33,405,388 |
69976 |
awesome ness
7 |
2,380,957 |
69977 |
slyers of rune
7 |
492,038,519 |
69978 |
7 |
21,127,928 |
69979 |
Love Team
7 |
538,264 |
69980 |
W6 Flowers 4 Lyfe
7 |
109,487,975 |