
Creed of Assassions

Creed of Assassions

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
[#NHC243LV0] [#NHC243LV0] Owner 162,285 0 online Offline
[#KQYSYFVPD] [#KQYSYFVPD] Deputy Owner 36 0 online Offline
Trogdor99123 Trogdor99123 Lieutenant 0 0 online Offline
[#UPJBIVSP0] [#UPJBIVSP0] Recruit 1,973 0 online Offline
Lv126 Lv126 Recruit 875 0 online Offline
[#VP4SYIYKB] [#VP4SYIYKB] Recruit 556,064 0 online Offline
Kevin1334 Kevin1334 Recruit 160,033 0 online Offline
[#87L5ZPMO4] [#87L5ZPMO4] Recruit 8,048 0 online Offline
[#URRW2USAP] [#URRW2USAP] Recruit 0 0 online Offline
53ward1768 53ward1768 Recruit 108,626 0 online Offline
[#2VS2I1B0C] [#2VS2I1B0C] Recruit 530 0 online Offline
AsianRedNeck AsianRedNeck Recruit 341 0 online Offline
[#SRBUMN5KU] [#SRBUMN5KU] Recruit 7,070 0 online Offline
[#3M6X76O8A] [#3M6X76O8A] Recruit 440,409 0 online Offline
Kill U743 Kill U743 Recruit 64,504 0 online Offline