Rank |
Clan |
Clanmates |
Total XP
56261 |
9 |
2,828,881 |
56262 |
9 |
15,661,282 |
56263 |
Asas de armadyl
9 |
835,376 |
56264 |
The Shadow Order
9 |
365,839 |
56265 |
Night Shades
9 |
6,157,580 |
56266 |
9 |
19,244,823 |
56267 |
Call Dice
9 |
8,128,407 |
56268 |
skill pros
9 |
362,828 |
56269 |
thunder blood
9 |
320,194 |
56270 |
Die Gaffer
9 |
2,178,440 |
56271 |
Choas Theory
9 |
1,299,543 |
56272 |
El Cobra
9 |
325,835 |
56273 |
Bloody Zamorak Clan
9 |
1,346,556 |
56274 |
Kights of the Sheild
9 |
2,144,191 |
56275 |
The Foxhound
9 |
373,362 |
56276 |
Private Clan
9 |
17,075,835 |
56277 |
Soccer is Studly
9 |
428,906 |
56278 |
Black Cobras
9 |
286,281 |
56279 |
Nem Imortals
9 |
318,892 |
56280 |
Woodcutters ftw
9 |
657,060 |