Rank |
Clan |
Clanmates |
Total XP
52881 |
9 |
9,041,745 |
52882 |
The Adamants
9 |
8,582,177 |
52883 |
Kamikazi Overlords
9 |
4,230,766 |
52884 |
richies unite
9 |
8,254,092 |
52885 |
Yeah The Bois
9 |
43,843,810 |
52886 |
9 |
56,325 |
52887 |
Saradomins Army 03
9 |
3,857,130 |
52888 |
Dragons Green Death
9 |
16,014,139 |
52889 |
9 |
1,066,092,062 |
52890 |
Icy Fire
9 |
9,781,548 |
52891 |
The Night Parade
9 |
5,610,751,315 |
52892 |
Skill Kill or Chill
9 |
173,305,256 |
52893 |
wildu owned
9 |
809,092 |
52894 |
pure for all
9 |
28,434,709 |
52895 |
Undead Angels
9 |
563,992 |
52896 |
onlly girls
9 |
83,020 |
52897 |
Die Rofler
9 |
47,759,193 |
52898 |
Critical Punishment
9 |
32,427,378 |
52899 |
Killer 247
9 |
46,739,078 |
52900 |
RuneScapes Worst
9 |
1,308,987,133 |