
the simpson

the simpson

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
Plaskeladden Plaskeladden Owner 13,508,424 0 online Offline
Ikon 81 Ikon 81 Deputy Owner 163,389 0 online Offline
[#IKCGFVXE6] [#IKCGFVXE6] Lieutenant 276,408 0 online Offline
[#1UP309NW7] [#1UP309NW7] Lieutenant 36,011 0 online Offline
[#0JMB2KNVY] [#0JMB2KNVY] Lieutenant 104,596 0 online Offline
[#CFRVLJBVZ] [#CFRVLJBVZ] Recruit 11,322 0 online Offline
[#TCHF7438H] [#TCHF7438H] Recruit 354 0 online Offline
[#NS4D9YS23] [#NS4D9YS23] Captain 5,913 0 online Offline
Ikon61 Ikon61 Deputy Owner 51,906 0 online Offline
[#PNN78X5T8] [#PNN78X5T8] Corporal 5,387 0 online Offline
[#9FHITCDSY] [#9FHITCDSY] Recruit 3,845,687 0 online Offline