
Pure Tank

Pure Tank

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
[#0I2Y23689] [#0I2Y23689] Recruit 137 0 online Offline
Gunther12344 Gunther12344 Recruit 714,987 59 online Offline
Top1 Ranger Top1 Ranger Recruit 1,571,362 180 online Offline
Str Bawse Str Bawse Recruit 4,194 0 online Offline
86 Calm Bit 86 Calm Bit Recruit 0 0 online Offline
[#CBUEQ62H6] [#CBUEQ62H6] Recruit 54,425 1 online Offline
SlR Sir SlR Sir Recruit 156,405 6 online Offline
Plez Be Fail Plez Be Fail Recruit 1,391,629 20 online Offline
Tiny Lt Tiny Lt Recruit 185,562 8 online Offline
Sircam22 Sircam22 Recruit 7,753,104 0 online Offline
[#5F91D3GJX] [#5F91D3GJX] Recruit 1,127,291 55 online Offline
smellycat77 smellycat77 Recruit 0 0 online Offline
My Wife Died My Wife Died Recruit 1,618,117 25 online Offline
[#8OW653U54] [#8OW653U54] Recruit 2,438,761 109 online Offline
[#O2Q3WU2CQ] [#O2Q3WU2CQ] Recruit 1,321,138 1 online Offline