
Pure Tank

Pure Tank

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
iTokeShishha iTokeShishha Recruit 673,234 9 online Offline
[#GKZY4U3VZ] [#GKZY4U3VZ] Recruit 110,986 2 online Offline
0riginalZazu 0riginalZazu Recruit 1,009,951 20 online Offline
[#JHVNY610C] [#JHVNY610C] Recruit 157,533 11 online Offline
Nat 1157 Nat 1157 Recruit 111,847 1 online Offline
[#IEOHF2KYN] [#IEOHF2KYN] Recruit 271,373 10 online Offline
aquaticc aquaticc Recruit 566,656 22 online Offline
[#8TMA5QPIC] [#8TMA5QPIC] Recruit 69,538 7 online Offline
[#9H9XRD0Y0] [#9H9XRD0Y0] Recruit 33,568 3 online Offline
[#22P8OHCW8] [#22P8OHCW8] Recruit 2,304,070 89 online Offline
With You02 With You02 Recruit 159,085 0 online Offline
[#OTAQMFRXA] [#OTAQMFRXA] Recruit 889,361 34 online Offline
Hunterless Hunterless Recruit 2,764,260 46 online Offline
Z 6 Z Z 6 Z Recruit 41,178 3 online Offline
[#UORC35VF7] [#UORC35VF7] Recruit 222,205 20 online Offline