


Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
Rekcorc709 Rekcorc709 Sergeant 13,457,215 0 online Offline
cfdog99 cfdog99 Recruit 7,980,071 0 online Offline
Stimz910 Stimz910 Recruit 2,412,431 0 online Offline
Globe 4111 Globe 4111 Recruit 2,030,289 0 online Offline
The B Man 25 The B Man 25 Owner 1,568,710 0 online Offline
ObIiterate ObIiterate Sergeant 1,219,720 0 online Offline
[#A02RMWXY2] [#A02RMWXY2] Recruit 1,027,958 0 online Offline
DeadReaping DeadReaping Recruit 781,973 0 online Offline
KingJames060 KingJames060 Corporal 504,672 0 online Offline
kxMax585 kxMax585 Recruit 397,711 0 online Offline
Fiery Frisky Fiery Frisky Recruit 174,078 0 online Offline
AFG_7eRf82I AFG_7eRf82I Recruit 112,958 0 online Offline
[#NXYFJ7PVL] [#NXYFJ7PVL] Recruit 68,698 0 online Offline
28 Hades 972 28 Hades 972 Recruit 31,642 0 online Offline
Booty Pound Booty Pound Recruit 15,684 0 online Offline