
Aegis of Saradomin

Aegis of Saradomin

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
DeImortales DeImortales Corporal 1,939,169 0 online Offline
Olaf_sun Olaf_sun Corporal 116,648,388 0 online Offline
byrdm169 byrdm169 Recruit 6,319,090 0 online Offline
Ronda McDonk Ronda McDonk Recruit 6,092,804 0 online Offline
Null1fied Null1fied Recruit 407,258 0 online Offline
K Tx K Tx Recruit 678,080 0 online Offline
EcclesiaX EcclesiaX Recruit 1,519,514 0 online Offline
Ther0j Ther0j Recruit 5,123,006 0 online Offline
Wolfhaulerd Wolfhaulerd Recruit 2,450,612 0 online Offline
thepupsasha thepupsasha Recruit 885 0 online Offline
DEGEN CIZ DEGEN CIZ Recruit 62,995,702 0 online Offline
delux168 delux168 Recruit 7,532,684 0 online Offline
K Moretti K Moretti Recruit 60,128,259 0 online Offline
h3llokitty11 h3llokitty11 Recruit 33,331,014 0 online Offline
ibushmani ibushmani Recruit 4,307,486 0 online Offline