


Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
DimanHP5 DimanHP5 Recruit 13,673,360 0 online Offline
3rnis63 3rnis63 Recruit 13,550,008 0 online Offline
The Kukeris The Kukeris Corporal 13,356,861 0 online Offline
AC Metal AC Metal Recruit 12,881,260 0 online Offline
Inspairas Inspairas Recruit 12,679,616 0 online Offline
eTokei eTokei Recruit 12,523,890 0 online Offline
Savage Silva Savage Silva Recruit 12,167,682 0 online Offline
Rpq3 Rpq3 Recruit 11,878,044 0 online Offline
The Aure 02 The Aure 02 Recruit 11,860,271 0 online Offline
Vilnius222 Vilnius222 Recruit 11,664,561 0 online Offline
Arunas80 Arunas80 Recruit 11,458,291 0 online Offline
eXo Apsi eXo Apsi Recruit 10,676,663 0 online Offline
Det0nation Det0nation Recruit 10,355,577 0 online Offline
kulkos919 kulkos919 Recruit 10,327,342 0 online Offline
tauriis tauriis Recruit 10,181,437 0 online Offline
Dievas07 Dievas07 Recruit 10,019,604 0 online Offline
Kibiriukas Kibiriukas Recruit 9,983,637 0 online Offline
Kamezzas Kamezzas Recruit 9,281,576 0 online Offline
eXo Lauris eXo Lauris Corporal 8,356,085 0 online Offline
Nektarinas Nektarinas Recruit 8,047,985 0 online Offline
B0oMasXD B0oMasXD Recruit 8,036,336 0 online Offline
FryPotat FryPotat Recruit 6,536,594 0 online Offline
Ba_ronka Ba_ronka Corporal 6,280,315 0 online Offline
F5 qp F5 qp Corporal 6,090,984 0 online Offline
LinasBurn LinasBurn Recruit 5,780,058 0 online Offline
larextanas larextanas Recruit 5,478,813 0 online Offline
TromBaLT TromBaLT Corporal 5,380,034 0 online Offline
Towerslay495 Towerslay495 Recruit 5,240,128 0 online Offline
Zilviskul Zilviskul Recruit 4,749,621 0 online Offline
Giunteris Giunteris Recruit 4,077,030 0 online Offline