
Gods of Legacy

Gods of Legacy

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
Zerodakilla1 Zerodakilla1 Owner 711,172 0 online Offline
5I35QRQAA 5I35QRQAA Coordinator 2,482,423 0 online Offline
Runnergirl61 Runnergirl61 General 148,340,457 2 online Offline
Suplexed Suplexed General 12,946,355 1 online Offline
LeTsGoToMaRz LeTsGoToMaRz General 8,158,086 1 online Offline
Cow Trousers Cow Trousers Captain 21,021,999 3 online Offline
Fart Snake Fart Snake Captain 2,454,115 0 online Offline
Ice Iz Sick Ice Iz Sick Lieutenant 16,598,412 0 online Offline
Dragon X 87 Dragon X 87 Sergeant 12,895,160 3 online Offline
USA Tyler USA Tyler Sergeant 4,596,639 0 online Offline
Kneegrolover Kneegrolover Sergeant 8,836,200 11 online Offline
[#1R6ONBZ4V] [#1R6ONBZ4V] Sergeant 1,488,929 0 online Offline
Cams2hip4u Cams2hip4u Sergeant 13,320,884 0 online Offline
SwagKilla454 SwagKilla454 Sergeant 514,347 0 online Offline
[#H6RU9HIBA] [#H6RU9HIBA] Sergeant 230,541 0 online Offline