
Arrogant Elitists

Arrogant Elitists

"The rumors of our demise were greatly exaggerated."

Report Page

Arrogant Elitists, a clan for Skillers, PvMers, and social players alike, is looking for new members!

---- What's on offer? ----
- An active clan with an active discord.
- A fantastic community made up of seasoned, mature and knowledgeable members.
- An always progressing Citadel for your weekly free exp.

---- Requirements to Join ----
- 2.4k Total, with access to Priffdinas

---- Rank System ----
Ranks up to General are based on:
- Time in clan
- Chat activity
- Experienced gained.
Ranks Organizer + are considered staff, and will be assigned accordingly.

Any questions? Come talk to us! "Arrogant Elitists" clan chat.


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Top Clanmates

Eri Eri Owner
Beckishly Beckishly Deputy Owner
Brewtokes519 Brewtokes519 Deputy Owner
Dennis Duff Dennis Duff Deputy Owner
ffuD sinneD ffuD sinneD Deputy Owner
Justin D Justin D Deputy Owner
Eyekon Eyekon Overseer
Box 0f Rain Box 0f Rain Overseer
x Brb x Brb Overseer
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