
Darkest Grimoire

Darkest Grimoire

"pay it forward"

Report Page

We are a social and skilling clan, all levels welcome to join our clan family.
our rules are as follows:
1.  no swearing in clan chat
2.  no drama in clan chat
3.  no begging in clan chat
4.  follow all jagex rules  especially no botting
5.  loyalty
6. have fun relax and enjoy
7. citadel work isn't required, but it helps us build citadel and it helps you with awesome xp from our skilling plots, which is the most important reason for all to cap when they can

we do penguin hide n seek and we do hunt fallen stars, if you have a desired event ,please let us know in clan chat and we will try to make it happen.

any questions you can pm LazerSissy or ghost6walker or Charming,
you can also visit us as a guest..

thank you all for all you do to make this clan a fun and enjoyable one

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Top Clanmates

Gokage Gokage Owner
Kaiju Jager Kaiju Jager Deputy Owner
CrystalFox56 CrystalFox56 Deputy Owner
Night Wrath Night Wrath Deputy Owner
c o r i n e c o r i n e Overseer
GhostlyWolf6 GhostlyWolf6 Overseer
SimplyAMan SimplyAMan Overseer
Wjborg Wjborg Overseer
nuegle nuegle Overseer
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