
Untamed Rebels

Untamed Rebels

"come skill and boss with us! all we ask is for you to lend a hand in the citadel"

Report Page

We are an active clan with cool laid back friendly members and leaders. We are a growing clan hoping to create a friendly community of newer and older runescape players (all we ask is that you cap weekly in the citadel and help recruit occasionally) To join our clan  pm either the person who planted the vex or Flydon14, or Sylwia to join our clan and as always have a nice day :D

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LeftSideJ LeftSideJ Owner
Dollarbar Dollarbar Corporal
D3s tiny2 D3s tiny2 Recruit
Fiyrthrow359 Fiyrthrow359 Recruit
asher1298 asher1298 Recruit
[#2MIZ2Z7BV] [#2MIZ2Z7BV] Recruit
Nein Toes Nein Toes Recruit
Fiery Arcana Fiery Arcana Recruit
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Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Clan event 84 13-Apr-13 08:00
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