
Flare Reborn

Flare Reborn

"Friendly skilling clan for experienced and up and coming players"

Report Page

Flare Reborn is a friendly skill and chill clan with friendly, helpful members; always on the look out for new members hoping to join.

We strive to be a mature community where top notch skillers and up and coming but passionate skillers come together to learn, improve or just have a chat while playing within a friendly and relaxing environment. Here high level players can refine their skill to achieve even more ambitious goals and/or mentor our young guns until they are strong enough to pass on their own wisdom.

We do NOT have compulsory events, but we do organise clan events for those who want to attend them, Our clan events can vary from group skilling to boss killing, from proper minigames to any group activity you can think of that enough people want to do. Our members have a wide range of gaming styles; ideal for trying out new things.

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Top Clanmates

Raizen Scar Raizen Scar Owner
Gombo76 Gombo76 Deputy Owner
Geg 89 Geg 89 Deputy Owner
Aztraeuz Aztraeuz Organiser
ben-evolent ben-evolent Admin
Seb107 Seb107 Admin
RangersFC55 RangersFC55 General
Mtgame1 Mtgame1 General
Masgor123 Masgor123 General
Clanmates (all)

Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Gathering 84 27-Jul-14 04:30
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