
Imaginary Pi

Imaginary Pi

Report Page

Hello we are an up and coming new clan started by a couple of buddys. This clan is mostly going to be about all around casual play with a bunch of people supporting each other.  All of the founding members have 5+ years of experience in the game and will be more then willing to share the knowledge we have gained from that time.

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Smed Aybara Smed Aybara Owner
[#1EFTNHHEQ] [#1EFTNHHEQ] Overseer
Dmfd 1901 Dmfd 1901 Overseer
[#LQBSB3962] [#LQBSB3962] Overseer
[#IQN7D0A2P] [#IQN7D0A2P] Overseer
[#4YUY1YZVG] [#4YUY1YZVG] Overseer
[#8KM2AR80C] [#8KM2AR80C] Overseer
[#GGI5HNNZ1] [#GGI5HNNZ1] Overseer
[#QCX0V9OH6] [#QCX0V9OH6] Overseer
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