


"Smokin pops n Minin rocks"

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if you are looking for a clan, you came to the right place.

"Zxp"-We are a clan that mostly likes to compete to see who can have the most xp gains or money by the end of the day, but other than that we boss, quest, make tons of gold, and hang out together, both leaders are high levels and can take down bandos solo with ease. so with a bigger group we will take on bigger things and rule the money in runescape. here are a couple things you should go over before you are sure you wanna join

Participation in the party room drops and minigames we throw for players.
Players who want to get rich or already are.
Citadel cap every week.
Friendly and online.
Interested in ideas of change.
Ideas for the coming week.
Multiple rewards are given out evenly throughout the clan.
Interest in bossing/helping/questing/etc.
If this list interests you then message either Zanaxn or Zeddn and ask to join

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Top Clanmates

Zeddn Zeddn Owner
Moebid Moebid Deputy Owner
Zkilln Zkilln Overseer
YungAngEl504 YungAngEl504 Overseer
medenikolaci medenikolaci Overseer
magy910 magy910 Organiser
Magos Hecate Magos Hecate Organiser
juufuu juufuu Admin
Delizzle Delizzle Admin
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