


"Mercenaries for Hire"

Report Page

&lt;+>Brotherhood Of Gielinor<+>
We are a laid back clan. We do need people interested in Citadels and Clan Wars. We can help with questing, skilling and more. Some of us are RS Classic capable as well. Find Oldxbones, ambcrazy, Omnomunist, Aron D'Tires, stealove4evr in game for specifics or to join!
...Help Us Tier!...JOIN NOW!...

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Top Clanmates

0ld Bones 0ld Bones Owner
Aron DTires Aron DTires Deputy Owner
Ambcrazy Ambcrazy Deputy Owner
Vengeance57 Vengeance57 Overseer
Dodge5555555 Dodge5555555 Admin
Miss Viola Miss Viola Admin
greenleef69 greenleef69 General
ObscureFruit ObscureFruit Captain
plzkillme11 plzkillme11 Captain
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Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Clan meeting 103 20-Aug-14 02:00
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