
TheDark knights

TheDark knights

"The Darkness stands to dominate"

Report Page

We are a clan that has existed for some time. We might not be the biggest or the strongest clan but with your help we could become a great clan. The clan is open to both f2p and p2p players. We do clan wars, pking, dungeoneering and from time to time we do Fist of Guthix. Our skillers and our killers rely on each other and help each other.

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Top Clanmates

[#74J84LIYI] [#74J84LIYI] Owner
[#UZC2K2XFQ] [#UZC2K2XFQ] Lieutenant
[#AGOKH15BK] [#AGOKH15BK] Sergeant
18hybrid18 18hybrid18 Corporal
[#635EH4FR8] [#635EH4FR8] Recruit
69tubesteak 69tubesteak Recruit
[#X2RV92URM] [#X2RV92URM] Recruit
[#U7FYR7HPA] [#U7FYR7HPA] Recruit
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Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Clan meeting 7 09-Dec-11 14:00
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