
khazardian warriors

khazardian warriors

"Mess with the BEST, die like the REST"

Report Page

Rules of the matrix
Rule#1: if the owner is gone the clan will listen to the player with the highest rank online.

Rule#2:if u r online always show up to a clan meetings

Rule#3:if u done something very good to the clan chances may come for you to be an admin

Punishment:if u break any of the rules u could loose your rank
or getted banned

Ranking scale
We rank by combat lv and your loyalty to the clan
0-60 Recrute
61-65 Corpral
66-70 sergeant
71-75 lieutenant
76-80 captain
81-89 general
90+ admin

allies with- darkened kitros

leaders of the clan: rune defens3, 006chrisd, Bzr, starlynx, and x Masam*ne x

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Top Clanmates

[#74RDK2HFW] [#74RDK2HFW] Owner
Navy108 Navy108 Admin
[#QNNS495XC] [#QNNS495XC] General
brzo12 brzo12 General
[#TU41X2FB8] [#TU41X2FB8] General
OneTrickZix OneTrickZix General
007mr Man 007mr Man Captain
[#XSMBCQ5S1] [#XSMBCQ5S1] Captain
[#E9J200OXC] [#E9J200OXC] Captain
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