
The Cafe

The Cafe

"We actually don't serve coffee."

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Hey you found yourself at The Cafe!

Our clanmates are best described as a jack of all trades type of group. A lot of us are experienced players with interests in different parts of the game. Common goals revolve around maxing, 120s, capes of accomplishment, treasure trails, or PVM.  We look for clannies that enjoy runescape, are friendly, and willing to help others.

We're a laidback clan with members from all over the world  so impromptu events are the best. All clannies are welcome to initiate an event whether its for  achievements, reaper, skilling, minigames, or something nonsensical. We have a discord server for clan members and a tier 7 citadel. Ranks are earned through capping or gaining xp.

Message a key rank for an invite or stop by and guest.

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Top Clanmates

Chococino Chococino Owner
Tanniix Tanniix Deputy Owner
Ms Spinach Ms Spinach Deputy Owner
Team Pitbull Team Pitbull Deputy Owner
Cafe Cafe Deputy Owner
FX 5 FX 5 Overseer
Twinsie Twinsie Overseer
Cinnamint Cinnamint Overseer
Caapri Caapri Overseer
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