"Let's help eachother!"
Report PageHello and welcome to the only clan you'll ever need for any kind of support throughout the entirety of your respective gameplay all while making amazing/respectful/ loyal/mature friends, who are quicker to aid you than to aid themselves!
If You Are: Currently searching for a clan, please refer to the clan forum thread which appears on the bottom right of this page titled: "Effigy In Detail"
If You Would: Like to be recruited Immediately and avoid reading all the rules because you feel as though you are capable of figuring it out for yourself, which you more than likely are if you made it here, please contact any online member of Effigy.
If You Need: Effigy (Starved,Gorged,etc.) Assistance of any sort, please proceed in joining our clan chat.
If You Were: Directed here by a friend, thank them.
Total Members:41 Total Level (average):1,276 Kill/Death Ratio (kdr):0.30 Total XP:1,205,862,464 Citadel Level:N/ATop Clanmates
Clan Updates
No upcoming events