
New Zeniridien

New Zeniridien

Report Page

Since 2010, we've been a casual group of friends with no level requirement and very few requirements in general for joining. Our aim is not to enlist high-level players to dominate a certain field; we help low-level players improve in any way possible. Typical activities here are dungeoneering, bossing up to the gwd level, and an occasional 99 party. Recruitment only requires that the person in question is not an idiot and ranks are given over time with citadel and event contributions in mind.

The clan is also not limited to a certain nation, though it mostly consists of members from the Eastern and Central U.S. Clan members are only removed after 18 months of inactivity and can rejoin with no penalties. Clan citadel contributions aren't required but are highly encouraged/rewarded.

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EpiHeuristic EpiHeuristic Owner
Mari5o Mari5o Deputy Owner
Acracy Acracy Overseer
Aegarath Aegarath Coordinator
DeathsLegend DeathsLegend Coordinator
Seongjil Seongjil Admin
Golden Dukey Golden Dukey General
Froughy Froughy General
xMastaSkilla xMastaSkilla General
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