"Head Ass *Bless up*"
Report PageWelcome to PvM Highs active, social and experienced clan. We do lots of clan events including: Nex, Vorago, Kalphite King, GWD, Corp, Group Skilling, and Pking
€ Combat Level Requirement - 190+
€ 1800+ Total Level
€ 90+ Attack
€ 90+ Strength
€ 90+ Defence
€ 90+ Constitution
€ 90+ Range
€ 90+ Magic
€ 70+ Prayer
€ 88+ Summoning
€ 92+ Herblore
€ 70+ Agility
* No Flaming
* No Begging
* No Scamming ( Instant Kick)
* Capping
(Bossing experience required)
- You must have gained 5m clan exp and been in the clan three weeks (21 days).
- You must have gained 15m clan exp and have been in the clan 5 weeks (35 days).
- You must have gained 30m clan exp and have been in the clan for 50 days.
- You must have gained 50m clan exp, have been in the clan for at least 65 days
- You must have gained 75m clan exp, have been in the clan for at least 80 Days
Organiser (and above)
- Gotta get the trust of the owner
Total Members:9 Total Level (average):1,514 Kill/Death Ratio (kdr):0.88 Total XP:955,059,812 Citadel Level:1Top Clanmates
Clan Updates
No upcoming events