
Skillers of Honor

Skillers of Honor

Report Page

We are a small skilling clan, that has a big impact. Our clan consists of friends that we call family. We are kind, giving, and supportive whenever we can be. We accept those who are loyal and are willing to join our ranks.

We do mostly skilling related events, but we do kill bosses sometimes, with popular demand from our clan members as well as a weekly penguin hunt when there is interest.

Become a true Skiller and do it with Honor, we warmly welcome you to join our humble family. :)

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Brisingr164 Brisingr164 Deputy Owner
Sarm3 Sarm3 Lieutenant
H-Hike H-Hike Corporal
[#QL071HWZN] [#QL071HWZN] Corporal
Lythari Lythari Corporal
[#RYP2CMV29] [#RYP2CMV29] Corporal
Sixxgun11 Sixxgun11 Corporal
PiEiSPiEtOO PiEiSPiEtOO Corporal
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