
South Side Serpents

South Side Serpents

"Super Friendly Clan, Looking to recruit anyone! Pvm/Bossing/Skilling/Social"

Report Page

Looking for a new clan? Look no further! We're a social clan. Filled with many Runescape veterans as well as many newcomers. Our goal is to help improve the community weather it be from a Skilling perspective, PVM / Bossing perspective and most importantly a social perspective. We also have a fully functioning discord server as well.
PM any Overseer or Deputy Owner or the Owner if you have any questions!

There are no requirements to get into the clan

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Top Clanmates

Kelp Miner Kelp Miner General
jamesh778 jamesh778 General
Just4FunCDXX Just4FunCDXX General
Jelle10123 Jelle10123 General
Neeshh Neeshh General
Shihodo Shihodo Captain
somox somox Captain
Riverpine Riverpine Lieutenant
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