
Oblivion Decendants

Oblivion Decendants

Report Page

Hello and I am SaraAngel 22's alt.
I am very sad to say this clan has gone inactive and moved away.  This clan once was a great and strong clan, destroyed by too many people quitting runescape.
I will miss this clan and I hope it will always be a good memory to me.  I miss toxicbeast as leader and longshot as a friend. Solidsal3 as a husband, and many more.  Some of these people such as loveshun have moved to the clan I am currently in, but not all.  I will dearly miss Chrisy and Hoodie who's irl lives may be gone.  I will miss tiger tearz and the encouraging words I was told, I will miss Kenny and his humor.  but most of all I will miss Omeegax.  I am unsure whether he has quit or not. he claims he has gone solo but it is unknown.  I am very sad right now and am considering quitting myself.  This clan was very fun when I first joined. In fact I never even  planned on joining it in the first place. I wanted to make my own clan, but toxic asked me to join him in the clan camp.  Bye al

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Clan event - Clan Party 80 10-Jul-13 15:00
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