"The Toughest Warriors Are Forged On The Toughest Anvil."
By joining us you will:
• Be a part of a growing and organized clan
• Become a better, smarter, more skilled player
• PVM/PVP Frequently
• Go on events multiple times a week
We are in need of skilled players able for RCW/PVP/PVM!
Clan Requirements
You must have the following:
• Ability to help the clan succeed and prosper.
• Remain Active in the Chat and Attend Events/Meetings
• loyalty, compassion, and honor.
• P2p Membership
• 160+ Combat Level -OR- 1200+ Total Level
Public Recruiting Forum
QFC: 269-270-630-65060757
Clan Objective
We are a loyal and mature clan looking to grow as fast as possible to spread the joy of the Relics to the rest of the RS world. Help us in our objective by joining today! Contact any of the Deputy Owners listed to the right, or simply join our chat as a guest and request an invite!
Total Members:35 Total Level (average):1,503 Kill/Death Ratio (kdr):0.84 Total XP:269,444,640 Citadel Level:1Top Clanmates
Clan Updates
No upcoming events