
Lumos Maxima

Lumos Maxima

"We're paving your road to success by being the guiding light."

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Anyone is welcome in Lumos Maxima, but we do have a few rules:

1. Maturity is key: zero tolerance for bullying or discrimination of any kind.
2. Profanity is not allowed. (a few warnings will be given, before kicked.)
3. No Spamming the Clan Chat.

If any conflicts should arise, please contact PolishTiger or Zhalliam to help resolve.

How to Raise in Ranks:As a growing clan, recruiting is essential.
So, ranks are as follows:
Recruit: You've been invited.
Corporal: 2 new recruits
Sergeant: 3 new recruits (on top of the previous 2)
Lieutenant: 4 new recruits (on top of the previous 3)
Captain: 5 new recruits (" ")
General: 6 new recruits (" ")
Admin +  : Clanmate should contribute to clan frequently, meaning being helpful towards other clanmates, following the above rules, being respectful. Owner and Dep. Owner will take actions into consideration.

(((Previous recruiting does not count towards next rank's quota)))

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Top Clanmates

PolishTiger PolishTiger Owner
Zhalliam Zhalliam Deputy Owner
Blujay97 Blujay97 Overseer
Sc0fi3ld Sc0fi3ld Admin
Lolsoljal123 Lolsoljal123 Captain
Guthix Venom Guthix Venom Recruit
MrpacmanLv MrpacmanLv Recruit
9killer9 9killer9 Recruit
Abcxyz193 Abcxyz193 Recruit
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