
Without Fail

Without Fail

"We couldn't wait for failure, so we went ahead without it"

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Welcome To Without Fails Clan  Page!

Are you looking for a friendly, active, and a expanding clan?
Then this is perfect for you!

• We do a wide range of things, such as bossing, citadel work, dungeoneering and many mini game events, that suit  everyones different style of fun.

Requirements for joining are :

• Must be active in chat

• Must be a team player and want to help out, this could include capping, recruiting, talking, helping another member etc.

* Total level is 1500 or more. Or combat level 100 or more.

•  Founded by Snares Bro2, Gods Dynasty, Nickstarz6, Zeelord, Mage1dragon and Mr Hootshoot on 8th November, 2014.

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3uddha 3uddha Owner
BoshSwuckler BoshSwuckler Admin
Cept0714 Cept0714 Admin
Aok iji Aok iji Lieutenant
spikester97a spikester97a Sergeant
Hoots 3Inch Hoots 3Inch Sergeant
C H A R A N C H A R A N Sergeant
Leunidus3 Leunidus3 Sergeant
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