


"The Legend of Zukas: Ocarina of E'Shrekshun"

Report Page

Welcome to Predation! We are a group of able bodied and appropriately aged scapers who seek nothing more than the superficial features of our game. Help us bankstand, lobby and customize our outfits for literally days on end. We hope to see you all soon, we’ll all be waiting…

This Clan begun in my 'Friends Chat Channel' in November of 2010 and later, formed an Official 'Clan' in the month of April 2011.

Our Forum is located at the bottom-right of this page, visit that for information about our Clan.

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Jibby Jibby Owner
Tom Hanks Tom Hanks Deputy Owner
Askroth Askroth Deputy Owner
Mail Jeevas Mail Jeevas Deputy Owner
Plushie Plushie Overseer
Frogs Go Moo Frogs Go Moo Coordinator
xChemistry xChemistry Coordinator
Zugos Zugos Organiser
RuneDraagoon RuneDraagoon Organiser
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