Wicked Onez
~.~.~.~ Welcome to Wicked Onez ~.~.~.~
Hello! Thank you for stopping by our clan page! We are a mature social clan tier 7 citadel with a dragon! We run a contest for those who cap and tell us, we draw names of those who capped for 500k weekly and a monthly drawing for a BOND!
We host two Divine Location events daily, World 89 at 8:15pm Eastern in Burthorpe at the bank chest. Everyone is welcome to join us!
We have a lot of 'mini-events' hosted by players for boss fights, questing, skilling, pking, parties, treasure hunts and just hanging out. If you're looking for new "Wicked Cool" friends to just PLAY with, contact any one of our members!
This clan believes that the only way to have a good clan is to do good for the clan. Be nice to one another, be respectful, keep drama out of clan chat and hold/attend events for fun with clan mates.
Clan Owners: *.*.*Real Wicked1*.*.* and ~.~.~Deathsbedbug~.~
Total Members:159 Total Level (average):1,787 Kill/Death Ratio (kdr):0.87 Total XP:17,793,081,005 Citadel Level:6Top Clanmates
Clan Updates
No upcoming events