


"Oooh... Shiny."

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I'm sure no one will ever see this, but in the spirit of finality I must say that I, "Gloopsie", have long since quit RS3 in favor of OSRS. I joined this clan years ago, and was inactive for years. When I popped in to get my 10 year veteran cape I noticed that I was the owner of the clan and have no idea how. Most, if not all of the clan members are long gone. I wasn't very active in the clan, and I also didn't form any lasting bonds or attachments to the clan in general, or to any of its members. If anyone from this clan wants to claim ownership, or if it means something special to them feel free to add my current OSRS account  "TaranIsBack" and PM me! I will gladly hand it over. Until then...

BlueDiamondRS out.

- Taran


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