
Born of Ash

Born of Ash

"We are a Social/PvM Clan that focuses on Mid-Tier to High-Tier PvM Activities"

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Welcome to Born of Ash

We are a smaller group of players who want to enjoy the game and support each other with our rs goals.

Come and get to know us.  Stay if you like it.

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Top Clanmates

Zsedeny Zsedeny Owner
Farmer PHD Farmer PHD Deputy Owner
Archer0566 Archer0566 Overseer
Robertsmom Robertsmom Overseer
Tuckson Tuckson Organiser
Warrior Mark Warrior Mark Organiser
Not Archer Not Archer Organiser
Born OfAsh Born OfAsh Organiser
Archers HCIM Archers HCIM Organiser
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