
Crimzon Cavalierz

Crimzon Cavalierz

"With Great Strength and Synergy, we shall find Success and Superiority"

Report Page

Crimzon Cavalierz is a clan of great strength and of fairness. Here you will find friendly players, helpful administrators, and great leaders for all your rs needs. We are an active clan of people who are involved in the growth and success of our clan. It is up to us as a team and as individuals to become the best. Only we can strive to achieve that superiority. Work hard play hard and be involved, and you will find yourself at the top of the ranks in no time.  We honor New Recruits as they are a great addition to the growth of our clan and team. Everyone have Fun and Enjoy

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Top Clanmates

DaBlakBandit DaBlakBandit Deputy Owner
[#VYGW3IBM4] [#VYGW3IBM4] Overseer
Crugz Crugz Admin
[#M7TVQ27I8] [#M7TVQ27I8] Recruit
beenboy98 beenboy98 Recruit
mkid76 mkid76 Recruit
shii heppend shii heppend Recruit
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Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Clan event - Battlefield Event 180 11-Mar-12 00:00
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