
Flawless Vigour

Flawless Vigour

"Professional Noobs"

Report Page

Hello we are Flawless Vigour

We are a friendly mixed F2P and P2P clan. We are relaxed and like to have general chat and skilling. We are very helpful to our fellow members and make sure everyone is getting along and enjoying the clan.

Our main rules are:
Cap weekly (Not compulsory but recommended for quicker ranks).
No arguing or drama starting.

We are a growing and constantly developing clan. Clan-related events happen regularly and are always good fun, allowing a break from any tedious Runescape routine.

If you have any problems consult a clan member, one's to look out for in case of questions are; Ace 135 and TheNuttyOne as these members are online often and will be able to answer most questions you have, in or out of clan.

Thank you and have fun.

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Jorrit404 Jorrit404 Owner
R0BlN H00D R0BlN H00D Admin
naamhierzo naamhierzo Sergeant
LemonShark LemonShark Sergeant
Lloydino Lloydino Sergeant
Fishatron Fishatron Sergeant
[#CIZ14E2KJ] [#CIZ14E2KJ] Sergeant
Farlock Farlock Sergeant
[#VI7Y98OET] [#VI7Y98OET] Sergeant
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