


"Pick up the pieces."

Report Page

Welcome to Shattered, formally known as Unspoken Legends,we are a clan that will do pretty much anything in RuneScape from PvM, PvP, Minigames and just flat out socializing we have it here. The clan was started on January 9th 2014. We welcome anyone to Shattered PvM, please do enjoy yourself in our clan and socialize! Shattered PvM is here to enhance your Runescape experience, teach you how to PvM, and build a community so you can get the most enjoyment out of the game. Please enjoy yourself as a proud member of Shattered PvM :D.

Cheers and Happy Scaping

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Ehon Ehon Owner
Lt Colonel Lt Colonel Deputy Owner
Eroy Eroy Coordinator
Newd Noob Newd Noob Coordinator
Spen Spen Coordinator
BlastManZ BlastManZ Organiser
Sloppy Gamer Sloppy Gamer Organiser
Underwhelm Underwhelm Organiser
Jeffer221 Jeffer221 General
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