
New Era of Arg

New Era of Arg

"We're very mean and predjudiced, please refrain from communicating with us."

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New Era of Arg is a place filled with foul mouthed, bigoted and insensitive individuals. We seize every available opportunity to put eachother down with witty retorts, personal attacks and all manner of negative comments. If you like being berated and criticised on a regular basis then perhaps you'll find a home here. Hopefully not though, we despise new recruits and treat them with severe hostility.

If you have any questions you can stick them up your backside.

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Always Mean Always Mean Owner
Jeiki Jeiki Deputy Owner
Always Mom Always Mom Organiser
iB0SS iB0SS Admin
Wynnie121 Wynnie121 Admin
SergalSergal SergalSergal Admin
ronma ronma Admin
anas partner anas partner General
Tornado134 Tornado134 Captain
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