
The Sworn Fallen

The Sworn Fallen

""Nothing is True... Everything is Permitted""

Report Page

We're currently under reconstruction from an inactivity period I was in, though we're up and running again. We accept any level and dont bash other clans. We dont promote by level but by performance. So any rank you gain you have to earn. Do jobs assigned by myself or TAPOUT 4 20 and youll get you some rank. If you ask youll get rejected really quick like. We run this clan like clockwork so we dont need any troublemakers. Any rule breakers will be allowed one warning for any rule they break and after that they will be immediately kicked from the clan. Respect our rules, your clanmates and leaders, and our allied clans and we wont have any issues.

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lapride18 lapride18 Recruit
Blue Dog893 Blue Dog893 Recruit
II-Cloudy II-Cloudy Recruit
[#JUUN1IUM5] [#JUUN1IUM5] Recruit
MegzGoRawr MegzGoRawr Recruit
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