
Death Storm Rising

Death Storm Rising

"We learn from YOUR mistakes"

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Whats up! Hey im Doc the owner of this noble clan, its a new school year so many people have lessened or have stopped playing for the school year so that means we are a little bit short on members. So if u know people interested in joining or if you yourself are interested please feel free to private message either myself "Doc Death MD" or "mimi quinn" for more info. By the way please feel free to visit the clan chat and just guest in it stay as long as you like.  People who join get FREE milk and cookies!!!

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Logan_Tried Logan_Tried Owner
S3CTOR420 S3CTOR420 Admin
[#6YNQ9I6OT] [#6YNQ9I6OT] General
Keeper 32 Keeper 32 Captain
darkside3791 darkside3791 Captain
[#5X7XQ5Y5O] [#5X7XQ5Y5O] Captain
[#PJWJLZNE5] [#PJWJLZNE5] Lieutenant
Him Monkey Him Monkey Sergeant
[#T73QS9Y5X] [#T73QS9Y5X] Corporal
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Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Clan event - Clan Party 50 08-Jul-12 20:00
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