


"We are a happy family"

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HuFlungWanDung welcomes everyone to its friendly and citadel-based community clan where you can join as friends and stay as family. Its doors are opened to everyone who loves Runescape and no matter your levels or knowledge, together we build our citadel our home and get progress in game. For good time or bad time, there will be someone there to share and care. Visit and gather resources at citadel every week is the only requirement required, no mandatory events that interfere with your own goals within the game and  respect your game style. Be the unique HuFlungWanDung as you can be!

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88chang88 88chang88 Owner
Abiter Abiter Deputy Owner
Arthos33 Arthos33 Overseer
Lil Stars Lil Stars Overseer
Chaos Bork Chaos Bork Overseer
Slayer Geo7 Slayer Geo7 Admin
ElzotheYoshi ElzotheYoshi Admin
Go2sam Go2sam Admin
Sun Solaris Sun Solaris Admin
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