
Iron Coffin

Iron Coffin

"No Skull, No Skill"

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The largest and best Hardcore Ironman only clan in Runescape!

We're a group of risk takers and thrill seekers. We live on the edge and earn our keep.

All our members are dedicated and skilled, (or hilariously inept... for a short time) so our chat and forums usually have great discussion! We have skilling events, PVM events, PVP Events(Safe pvp of course), and if someone we love dies we'll throw them a funeral. Ironman do not have to be an endeavor of solitude!

To become a member of Iron Coffin, you must have a seal of the hardcore, that RED SKULL in front of your name.

Our clan motto is NO SKULL, NO SKILL.

Can you take on the challenge of a Hardcore Ironman, and join the elite?

Join Iron Coffin today!

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Flat Irn Bru Flat Irn Bru Deputy Owner
Sedyana Sedyana Deputy Owner
Enix Enix Deputy Owner
vishins vishins Deputy Owner
IMageYewLook IMageYewLook Deputy Owner
Teaquila Teaquila Deputy Owner
Lizra Lizra Overseer
Mantys Cape Mantys Cape Overseer
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