
Kyoto Mercenaries

Kyoto Mercenaries

"Strength Through Chaos!"

Report Page

Welcome to Kyoto Mercenaries. This clan not only focuses on getting to know other members of the clan, but we also look for ways to help out other RuneScape players, such as assisting them in areas of need, and helping newer players get started by showing them around. We focus on allowing clan members to enjoy themselves.

Events we will be hosting include group skilling, quest helping, clan wars, duel arena and other mini games too!

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Top Clanmates

Floatzelo Floatzelo Deputy Owner
Xwolf106 Xwolf106 Admin
guaqey742 guaqey742 Sergeant
reggies1993 reggies1993 Sergeant
omermavili omermavili Sergeant
Posey91 Posey91 Sergeant
whathaninn18 whathaninn18 Sergeant
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