


"The RuneScape Social Network"

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±‡±•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•±‡±•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•¤•±‡± ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ †‡ The Dark Legends †‡ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Dark Legends is a clan that is rising towards success. While we have no real requirements to join, ranking up is generally difficult - rank is earned, not given. Our clan members are also dedicated to lending a helping hand when necessary so feel free to stop by, ask questions, or just chat. Refer to our forums for more detail********;>:~:<>:~:<>:~:<>:~:<>:~ Additional Details ~:<>:~:<>:~:<>:~:<>:~:<>:~

‡†Clan Details†‡
  • Clan Chat: The Dark Legends
  • Friends Chat: King Gold007

‡†Requirements to Join†‡
  • None

‡†Requirements to rank up past "Recruit"†‡
  • 1400 Total Level
  •85+ Combat (Doesn't apply to Skillers)

‡†Requirements to rank up past "Corporal"†‡
  • 1500 Total Level
  •100+ Combat (Doesn't apply to Skillers)

»†‡ News ‡†«

READ the "†‡ The Dark Legends †‡" thread in the Forums.

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Top Clanmates

King Louis King Louis Owner
Lord Joecool Lord Joecool Deputy Owner
Flora x_x Flora x_x Organiser
DPickted DPickted General
Xopherr Xopherr General
Hawk200106 Hawk200106 Lieutenant
[#IR4XJVLRY] [#IR4XJVLRY] Sergeant
Superbon Superbon Corporal
[#9KN0IG5UW] [#9KN0IG5UW] Recruit
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Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Clan event - Clan Game 28 21-Jan-12 16:00
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